For less than $100 you can start using IASTM in your practice. The Swiss Army Knife of IASTM tools. Why buy 4-5-6 tools when one will do the job? This tool will treat every part of the body from the wrist to the quads. Choose stainless steel or aluminum. About the size of a DVD/CD 4 inches wide and 3.5 inches tall. The hole in the center is for your finger/thumb tip to help guide the tool and feel the resonance of scar tissue, adhesions and restrictions. All tools come with a leather cover, instant access to our online IASTM guide covering general treatment protocols for the neck, upper traps, mid back, Low back/SI joint, plantar fascitis, inversion sprain/strain, shin splints and the knee. skin lube and free shipping. Tools shipped daily via USPS from Boise Idaho.
The Variable edge stainless steel STARR tool.
(Pat. US D683,862 S)
10 ounces. Medical grade stainless steel. Hand polished to a mirror like finish. This tool has 2 single bevel edges (Small & Large) that are used at a 40 degree angle like a "Graston tool". The center edge is double bevel to be used at a 90 degree angle like an "ASTYM" tool. The combination of curves and edges give you the tool you need to provide the professional treatment and results your patients expect. The Variable edge tool package includes a leather tool cover, an IASTM guide, instructional videos, skin lube and FREE shipping. All for only 149!
Recommended to use with the Bulletproof Knees program by Mike Robertson, MS, CSCS, USAW
"I run a sports injury practice and soft tissue therapy has been a very important part of my treatment plan. Numerous athletes seek my services specifically because I do more than just chiropractic adjustments. Combining chiropractic adjustments with soft tissue therapy produces spectacular results.
However, after years of performing manual soft tissue therapy I began experiencing pain in my hands and fingers. The Starr IASTM has allowed me to continue to set my practice apart from all the other chiropractic and physical therapy practices, without damaging my hands and fingers. Plantar Fasciitis, Lateral Epicondylitis, Patellar Tendonitis, Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome, the Starr IASTM treats them all."
Dr. Jeffrey Banas
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
USA Certified Triathlon Coach
"Thank you so much for making this tool so affordable! I had always been interested in learning a IASTM technique but could not force myself to pay the ridiculous money to take the courses/buy the tools. I’ve been using the STARR tool for a couple months now and I’ve been blown away by some of the results I’m getting with chronic soft tissue issues."
Loretta Sandy DC, CCEP
The Single bevel STARR tool is made from 6061 T6 aluminum and then hard anodized. It has a single bevel edge like Graston tools. Light weight (4 ounces) and easy to use. Get the single bevel STARR tool with a leather cover, IASTM guide, skin lube and free shipping all for 0nly 99!.
"The Starr Tool I have discovered has delivered a superior outcome to chronic patients where all other prior treatments had failed. The instrument and overall technique allow for the facilitation of healing by breaking up old scar tissue and adhesions to generating fresh new blood circulation to the offending areas, thereby helping to correct and alleviate aberrant movement patterns from adaptive compensation over time.” - Casey Bearden, Nashville Spine & Disc